The RRATalog is a comprehensive catalog of radio pulsars categorized as Rotating Radio Transients (RRATs).
For clarity, we only include published pulsars which were discovered through their single pulses rather than a periodicity search.
This site contains the web version of the RRATalog-- each parameter contains a hyperlink
to the paper which published that value.
The GitHub repository also contains a machine-readable CSV
version of the RRATalog, as well as human-readable TOML files for each RRAT.
The RRATalog generation code at that site also allows for the creation of a TeX-style table of the RRATalog.
The RRATalog is maintained by Evan Lewis (efl0003 (at) and Maura McLaughlin (maura.mclaughlin (at)
We welcome additions, updates, and corrections to the RRATalog-- either in the form of GitHub pull requests, or you can email the maintainers.
If you use the RRATalog, please acknowledge this URL and cite Agarwal et al. (in prep).